'Olive' the 69 Bus

Sept. 20, 2009

Here are some pictures of our new 69 Bus - 'Olive':

Volksfest 2009

Sept. 12, 2009

We went to the Volksfest in Washington - it was only around 3 hours away.  There were all kinds of VW's -but I was really attracted to all the Buses ;)

Oh and don't you just love this Hot Dog Bus!


Check out these buses:


And these lowered buses:

Thats was a great day!

I look forward to going to more shows!


Hi - All!
This is a blog of my adventures in the world of the VW Bus!

I'll keep track of all the hard to find technical things I find along the way in the hopes of helping others in the future.

Comments and emails welcome!

Happy V-Dubbin!!