Back on the ROAD!

April 19, 2010

After almost 6 months  - "Olive" is back!!!
Its good to be driving again!

Few things so far:
Heater works!   At first I didn't close the vents under the back seat, so no heat up front - but after I closed them - much better.  Still need to get the heat blowers removed from under the dash...

Gas gauge still doesn't work - even after I replaced the sending unit.
Currently I have a 77 gauge console - I plan to swap back to a 69 console and get all the wires converted back.

Going to add few more gauges (CHT) and get some z-hinges for the back seat (so it can fold into a bed)

I'll add pictures soon.

Happy VW'ing!

Here are a few links that talk about setting up new engines:

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